Krakkaveldi at Reykjavík Dance FeSTIVAL 2019


Krakkaveldi at Reykjavík Dance FeSTIVAL 2019 〰️

What if the children ruled everything? Would we better off? Or even worse? What power do children have that adults don’t? An hour-long experiental performance where the children of Kidarchy try and get to the root of adult’s unwillingness to change the world for the better. The performance consists of meditation/hypnosis made by the children, theatrical performance satirising adult politics, a performative voting to see where the adults stand on matters important to the children of course - a cathartic cake fight.

„If you want criminals, make the world worse - if you don’t want criminals, make the world better.“

Krakkaveldi at Reykjavík Dance Festival 2019 Info

Duration: 50 minutes.
Dramaturg: Andrea Vilhjálmsdóttir
Set design: Hallveig Kristín Eiríksdóttir

The performance was made with support from The Children’s Culture Fund of Iceland and Reykjavík Dance Festival.


Krakkaveldi in Gerðarsafn


Kidarchy - Public Forum