All children are welcome to participate in Kidarchy’s projects. Participation should always be free of charge for the children to make sure they have equal opportunity to join in. The adult artists’ working with Krakkaveldi use their tools to make the kids’ ideas come to life, but kids have final say!


Kidarchy members from 2018 to date:

  • Eldlilja Kaja

  • Birgir Logi

  • Leifur Ottó

  • Laufey Rún

  • Þorleifur

  • Sóley Lóa

  • Magnús

  • Sigurður

  • Elín Guðný

  • Amelía Sara

  • Saga Finnsdóttir

  • Brynja Steinunn

  • Kolbeinn 

  • Sóley

  • Edda

  • Elfur

  • Bríet Jara

  • Anna Karen 

  • Lilja Kristín 

  • Ragna 

  • Margrét Sólveig 

  • Jakob  

  • Yrsa Rún 

  • Saga aka DJ Story Light

  • Birta Hall

  • Ástrós

  • Ester Mia

  • Viktoría Malen

  • Borghildur Lukka

  • Díana

  • Benóný

  • Brynja Steinunn

  • Þórdís Gyða

  • Kolbrún

  • Þórkatla

  • Rósa