Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir and Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir are performance artists who serve as the adult artistic directors of Kidarchy. Their role is to work collaboratively with the children of Kidarchy as equals, bouncing ideas and developing the work of Krakkaveldi as they would with any adult collaborator. 


Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir

Founder & Artistic director

Salvör is a director, performer and stand-up comedian. She founded Kidachy in 2018 and has been an artistic director on the project since.

Outside of Kidarchy, she has worked as a director with PóliS theater group,a Polish-Icelandic theater group working towards making Polish-speaking theatre works in Iceland, as the Polish community is the largest immigrant group in Iceland. The group was awarded the “Gríma” Icelandic theatre awards in 2021 as Newcomer of the year. She had made stand-up comedy shows with Fyndnustu Mínar(Funny Gurlz), and worked as a director and performer on the group’s first performance piece, FemCon, as well as doing workshops on comedy and performance for adults and children in Iceland and Scandinavia.


Artistic director

Hrefna is an artistic director of Saga Residency and co- founder of Mannyrkjustöðin (Human expansion station) with designer Búi Bjarmar Aðalsteinsson, where the duo invite people to connect to their inner plant through participatory performance and design. 

Hrefna is also a co-counder of a the project Breaking barrier that brings artistic practises to prisons in Iceland and a member in feminist band The Post Performance Blues Band. 

Set and costumes

Guðný Hrund Sigurðardóttir has been Kidarchy’s set and costume magic-maker since 2022. She has previously worked with Marble Crowd dance company in Iceland, and won the Gríman awards in 2020 for costume design in their piece Eyður/Øland.