Where children rule, for better or for worse

Kidarchy is a performance-based project made by theater and performance makers Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir and Hrefna Lind Lárusdóttir in collaboration with kids aged 7 - 12. The project’s aim is to imagine and create a new world where children rule everything instead of adults, for better or for worse.

Children are the group in society that has the least power, even though they are equally affected by decisions made by adults in power as other age groups. Kidarchy is here to change that, using performance and activism to make children’s voices heard and get involved with their own future.

All work by Kidarchy is made and organized by the children, and executed by them with adult help of the Kidarchy adults.

Kidarchy’s Town - Workshop
Krakkaveldi take-over in Iðnó theater as part of Reykjavik Arts Festival

2021 - 2022
BARNABARINN - performance in The Nordic House in Iceland as part of Children’s Culture Festival and Ungi Performance Festival


Krakkaveldi - Public Forum, Iceland University of Arts, December 2018